The 2025 Jean-Marie Dubois Award – Call for Nominations
The Jean-Marie Dubois Award was established to recognize important, sustained research on any aspect of quasicrystals within the 10-year period preceding the award. The award consists of a cash prize and a plaque, and is made possible by an endowment administered by the Iowa State University Alumni Foundation. The Award Secretary is Jim Evans of the Ames National Laboratory, and Department of Physics at Iowa State University, USA (
Past awards were given to:
- ICQ9 (Ames IA, May 2005) – Prof. An-Pang Tsai
- ICQ10 (Zürich, June 2008) – Prof. Walter Steurer
- ICQ11 (Sapporo, June 2010) – Prof. Marc de Boissieu
- ICQ12 (Krakow, September 2013) – Prof. Ron Lifshitz & Prof. Yasushi Ishii
- ICQ13 (Kathmandu, September 2016) – Prof. Marek Mihalkovič
- ICQ14 (Kranjska Gora, May 2019) – Prof. Alan Goldman.
- ICQ15 (Tel-Aviv, June 2023) – Prof. Michael Baake.
The International Advisory Board of the 16th International Conference on Quasicrystals will announce the recipient 2025 Jean Marie Dubois Award for Excellence in Quasicrystal Research at the time of the conference. Following the rules governing the Award, the winner will be determined by the current members of the International Advisory Board, with the exception of Board members who were themselves nominees, nominators, or written supporters of nominations.
Each nomination must be organized by one person, designated as the nominator. Self-nominations are not acceptable. The nominator has the responsibility to gather and submit the following materials:
- a curriculum vitae of the nominee (which should include a list of scientific publications);
- a nominating letter written by the nominator; and
- three supporting letters, written by persons different than the nominator and the nominee.
The nominator should submit all of these documents at one time to, preferably as a single pdf document, before April 17th 2025. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Unsuccessful nominations will be reconsidered automatically in one following Award cycle. The Award may be shared by more than one scientist, if each has made significant contributions to a single major theme. Multiple recipients can be nominated simultaneously in a single package. Questions and comments may be directed to Jim Evans,

Jean-Marie Dubois is an emeritus director of research at CNRS, France, and a scientific adviser at Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia. His research focuses on complex metallic alloys (CMA), particularly quasicrystals, where he has made major contributions. He has explored applications of quasicrystalline alloys in industries such as aviation, developing low adhesion coatings and thermal barriers. As the coordinator of the CMA network of excellence, he played a key role in establishing the topic in Europe. Dubois founded the Institut Jean Lamour, the largest materials science laboratory in France, and has authored books and approximately 400 Journal articles. He has delivered numerous invited talks worldwide and received many awards, honorary degrees, and honorary memberships for his contributions to science.